Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Flora & Fauna

Date and Time: May 6, 5:58 pm; Location: BYU-I; f/stop and Shutter Speed: 9.0; 1/640 sec

I added exposure to bring more light to the bird and added saturation for more color.
(FYI this is not the same bird that is in my editing post)

Date and Time: May 5, 12:15 pm; Location: BYU-I; f/stop and Shutter Speed: 5.0; 1/2000 sec
 I didn't use any Photoshop on this picture because I like it the way it is.

Date and Time: April 23, 8:36 pm; Location: Lehi, UT; f/stop and Shutter Speed: 4.6; 1/4 sec
I changed the red and orange colors to increase the flowers' color.  Then I used the adjustment brush to slightly darken everything around the flower

Date and Time: May 5, 6:15 pm; Location: BYU-I; f/stop and Shutter Speed: 5.6; 1/60
 I didn't use any Photoshop on this one because I like it the way it is.  


  1. Great flower shots, Houston! I love your shallow depth of field. Keep up the nice work, and I hope you can get a fauna photo. The bee is quote small, and you always want to show variety in your posts.

  2. Wow. Your flora & fauna shots were so, so pretty. My favorite was the purple flower by far. I love the texture of the flower and the light is perfect. I also like to keep photos the way they are, without Photoshop, so I know why you didn't add anything. With this shot I can’t really imagine how editing could improve it. Great, great shot.

    Perhaps the only suggestion I have is on your edits with the bird photo. The smart filter/artistic filter thing is pretty funky as is, but I felt like you could have chosen something better…maybe if you left the bird unedited? It looks like a piece of fabric at first, but then just looked kind of pixilated. Hope that makes sense. You did a wonderful, fabulous job!

  3. Houston, my favorite photo is the purple flower. The colors are rich. I also like how you didn’t photoshop it because it is so perfect. I look forward to seeing your photos throughout the semester. Keep up the good work.
